Simple No Bean Chili

You won’t miss the beans in this Simple No Bean Chili

Seriously, you won’t miss the beans

“Aren’t beans what make chili?” my daughter asked.  No, not if you are following a Paleo or ketogenic diet.  You won’t miss the beans either with the textures & flavours in this recipe.  This is a simple, quick recipe the way it is written.

The day I made it, I didn’t want to have to perfectly time my meal to be ready for dinner, so I decided to use my slow cooker.  If you’d like to try this option, brown the ground beef, bell pepper & onion.  Add the cooked ground beef mixture to the slow cooker with the other ingredients.  I only added 1 cup of water since slow cooking tends to be juicier & I don’t drain my meat after cooking.  You can always add more if you are finding the consistency too thick.  Cook on low for 6-8hrs.  Cheddar cheese or avocado would also be great toppings.  Thanks to The Whole Cook for the inspiration on this dish.  Again, I was out of garlic powder, so substituted Roasted Garlic Aioli as pictured below the recipe.

What are some of your favourite spice substitutions?

Simple No Bean Chili

Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 30-35 mins


  • 2 lbs ground beef
  • 1 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 x 28 oz can diced tomatoes
  • 1 x 6 oz can tomato paste
  • 2 tsp beef bouillon
  • 1-2 c water
  • 1½ tbls chili powder
  • 1½ tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin (optional)
  • Sea salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Sour cream, garnish (optional)


  1. Cook ground beef, onion & green pepper in a large stock pot over medium-high heat; stirring occasionally until beef is browned
  2. Once ground beef is cooked, add the rest of the ingredients; stir; cover & let simmer for 20-25 mins
  3. Serve hot; Top with sour cream

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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