Horseshoe Creek Ranch

Where will “yes” lead you?

So right now I am supposed to be compiling the agenda for the monthly board of director’s meeting (or as my daughter likes to call it my “bored meeting”) I will be chairing in 5 short days.  I say short days, because today is the eve of the eve of a long weekend… a long weekend I intend to thoroughly enjoy with little to no electronics (& definitely nothing “boring”).  A weekend spent with family in a little piece of heaven we call “the Horseshoe” after a creek that runs the back of the property.  Instead I feel compelled to start sharing my journey.  That is what life is after all, a journey & not a destination.

It’s about the journey & not the destination

I have found myself at a place in life where I want more.  More time, more freedom, more fun, more travel, more adventure… the list goes on & on.  Up until earlier this year, I really was in a rut.  A rut that was turning into a deep dark hole that I wasn’t sure how to get out of.  I knew something had to change & that the only person that could change my circumstance was me.  I needed to take responsibility & I needed to take action.  So I opened my mind & my spirit up to possibility with a little help from a spiritual coach.

I needed to take action

I came out of that session feeling so much lighter.  Like I had set the burden of the world down for once & was finally free.  I carried that feeling with me everywhere I went & only a couple of short weeks later, opportunity knocked in the form of a cryptic text from a close friend.  “I’ve just ordered this amazing product… can I add you to our secret Facebook group so you can see more info?”  I said “Hell ya, but I’m leaving the minute I’m not interested.” Well I’m still in that group & happy to say that it introduced me to a world of health & nutrition I didn’t know existed and I am now well on my way to a better, healthier me which just makes this journey so much easier.  You just never know where saying “yes” might lead you; what doors it might open.

Horseshoe Creek Ranch
Horseshoe Creek Ranch looking west

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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