Word of the Year - Devotion

What is Devotion?

This is what I find myself asking as Devotion has come forward as my word for the year.  Like many words with a religious connotation (at least for me), I’ve had a severe dislike & want to avoid exploring why… because after all it’s just a word, right?

Down the rabbit hole of etymology

As I go down the rabbit hole of etymology, Google defines devotion as having derived from the Latin word “devovere” aka “consecrate” and means love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause; religious worship or observance; prayers or religious observances. Devovere is broken down into de+vovere which means formally to vow. Consecrate on the other hand was a word I was only familiar with when it came to scary movies & keeping vampires away.  Anyone else? Con is expressing intensive force + sacer which means sacred = consecrate or to devote as sacred – this can be in a religious or divine purpose context.  It is also interesting to note the graph showing the declining use of these words over the last two hundred years (so much for SEO on this post lol).

Words are a powerful thing

I believe that words are a powerful thing & how we use them is important whether it be talking to others or to ourselves.  Whether it is out loud or over a keyboard.  Words carry energy & should be handled with care.  So what care can I take from this word devotion now that I have its meaning?  What is its origin story in my life & why do I dislike it so much?

I have found myself in this situation with similar words over the years such as with faith & grace.  I even have a blog post drafted on grace from a couple of years ago that I may publish when the timing is correct.  With contemplation I have been able to make a new relationship with these words.  Devotion on the other hand feels like it runs so much deeper.  I know this at least in part to being raised Christian, but more importantly a previous life when Christianity first took hold in Scotland.  In essence, I watched what I was devoted to disappearing sometimes violently.

I’m taking this on as a year long exploration

I’m taking this on as a year long exploration starting with what I want devotion to look like in this lifetime and where I can carve out sacred time. I know at the very least it will include daily practices of self-care, a lot of healing, & time spent in virtual She Spirals Temple of the Divine Feminine.

She Spirals Intention Board

I’m curious… what does devotion mean to you?  Let me know on social media @madforpurple

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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