The Mythic Tarot: The Fool

Our journey through the 22 archetypes of The Mythic Tarot deck begins here with The Fool depicted as a young Dionysos, the Greek god of wine & ecstasy.  Whether one finds oneself at the beginning of a life stage, a career or relationship, there is a certain amount of unknown of what the future holds.  A risk must be taken & a leap of faith made.  Like a child, we are inexperienced & hopefully full of wonder & joy as we depart on this next adventure.  It’s interesting that the authors, Juliet Sharman-Burke & Liz Greene, chose Dionysos as this adds to the, sometimes, reckless abandon that we can throw ourselves into decisions.

Each tarot card contains symbols

Each tarot card contains symbols for interpretation by the reader.  For example the bird depicted on the branch in The Mystic Tarot’s The Fool will mean one thing to me & may mean something completely different to you.  That’s okay and also why you will see varied pricing from reader to reader.  The more experienced the reader, the greater their library of symbols, the better quality reading (in theory) you should receive.

My ego wants me to feel like I’m behind the eight ball

Even though I’ve been reading cards for over 25 years, being a lone practitioner, I did not know that I should be building a symbol library at the same time.  I’ve relied heavily on the guidance books provided coupled with my intuition.  My ego wants me to feel like I’m behind the eight ball, but spirit is telling me this is a great opportunity for renewal.  So now when I look at The Fool, I see the bird, the sunrise, the mountain path, the cave, the cliff, the feral child full of mischief & wonder.  What do you see & what does that symbol mean to you?  Does it give you hope or bring you fear?

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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