Mad for Purple Podcast Cover

The Mad for Purple Podcast

Hello, this is the Mad for Purple Podcast.

Hello, this is the Mad for Purple Podcast.  I’m your host, Pam December. I am a single mom of one, a dog mom, an introvert and highly sensitive Empath, as a 5/1 Human Design Generator with 10 first lines, I’m a constant learner and explorer.

I remember when I first started my healing journey, and how alone I felt with so few people in my circle going through similar experiences, how few resources there were, or people even talking publicly about conscious awakening or woo.

This podcast is about all things spirituality and self actualization.

This podcast is about all things spirituality and self actualization. It will also be about healing, deconditioning, energy, and archetypes like Human Design with a healthy dose of freak to genius delivered by my 43/23 Human Design channel.

You can expect to hear from me each week

You can expect to hear from me each week as I share with you practical knowledge so that you can make energetic shifts in your own healing journey. You will also hear from guests as they share their experiences, tips and tools to higher consciousness.

I started this podcast because although our healing journeys are very much unique and personal to each of us, we don’t have to feel alone or confused. I’m here to tell you that you aren’t alone, and I’m here to support your unique journey as best I can.

I hope you leave each week with your cup a little fuller

I hope you leave each week feeling more inner truth and with your cup a little fuller than when you got here.

Now hit that subscribe or follow button so you don’t miss an episode as we get started in January.

Let’s journey into higher consciousness together.


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Headshot Jun 2017

Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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