January 2019 - Energies & Full Moon

January 2019 – Energies & Full Moon

How is the Balancing Act going that we started out with at the beginning of the month?  Where are you at with the intentions you set with the last new moon?  What are you doing to bring more creativity into your daily life?

Where are we to find the time & energy?

I get it.  Life can be busy & hectic.  Where are we to find the time & energy to do all the “should’s” and “have to’s”?  The 10 of Cups reversed welcomes us to explore how our intentions & goals may actually be holding us back.  For some, the 10 of Cups represents the perfect life.  What if that vision is actually restricting all that is possible for you?

Holding onto the vision

In setting goals & intentions we are encouraged to visualize the outcome & hold onto that vision as a way to manifest them into reality.  Instead of holding onto the vision & white knuckling reality, what would it feel like to hold onto the feelings those visions gift us instead?  Breathe in that expansion.  Holding onto the 10 of Cups feelings will allow the Universe to bring you what is most aligned with your soul rather than the cookie cutter ideas of the ego.

2019 is a potent year for manifesting all that we desire

The full moon in Leo January 20th-21st coupled with a lunar eclipse is a potent time to let go of the stories, visions & goals holding us back.  Like a fruit tree, the buds must be pruned back in order to bear the sweetest fruit.  No more excuses.  Make the space.  2019 is a potent year for manifesting all that we desire, so I want to encourage you to not put a cap on what is possible & be willing to meet the Universe ½ way.  Express your desires, let go of the outcome, then lean into curiosity & creativity.

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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