February 2019 Energies & Focus - New Moon

February 2019 Energies & Focus – New Moon

Welcome to your February 2019 energies & focus – new moon update.  This month’s card comes from The Enchanted Maps Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

For the month of February, we are to focus on receiving

For the month of February, we are to focus on receiving, which lines up well with Valentine’s Day approaching.  New Year’s energies and resolutions are often focused outwards in changing our realities, but in order for there to be balance, we also need to receive.  This is not a calling to necessarily receive material things, but to higher perspectives & consciousness.  “Wide Open” is calling you to reach your next level by opening up to possibility.  What do you need in order to do this?  What do you need to be able to focus inward & upward?  Do you need more time or energy?  What support can you bring in to allow yourself to meet the Universe halfway?  Maybe just thinking about these questions is exhausting.  I want you to know that you don’t have to do any of this on your own.  The right support for you is out there, all you have to do is be open to it.  A quick way to gain clarity is through divination, so I’d like to encourage you to contact your intuitive professional and book a session.  Quit playing small and go after your dreams.

The New Moon falls on February 4th-5th

The New Moon falls on February 4th-5th.  This is the time to set new intentions as energies shift to expansion.  This Moon’s card is from the Osho Zen Tarot. It calls for us to lean into this expansive energy and seek new experiences.  This pairs very well with our previous card “Wide Open”.  As you need to be open in order to find anything new.  It’s time to set your sights on your destination, but be curious and take the path less travelled to get there.  Lean into the challenge, feel the fear and do it anyway.  Will it be uncomfortable?  Probably, but I promise you it will also be rewarding.  I would love to hear from you.  Where will yes lead you?  What does your path less travelled look like?  How does it feel?

Osho Zen Tarot - Traveller

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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