The Mythic Tarot

Exploring The Mythic Tarot Deck

This month we will be exploring The Mythic Tarot deck.  It’s the first deck I ever purchased.  I found it at one of those eclectic new age stores when I was about fifteen.  I had been curious about many things occult at that time, so when I found this little out of the way shop I was quite excited.

The Mythic Tarot is a simple deck based on Greek mythology

The Mythic Tarot is a very simple deck of 78 cards which are based on Greek mythology.  I`ve read some reviews on Amazon & it seems the current reprint is not made with quality materials.  This is very unfortunate as the original I have is in excellent condition after 25+ years of use.  The book, on the other hand, has been well loved.  On sale, this would make a great starter deck for anyone interested in learning to read tarot.

The cards have a way of putting our inner world into perspective

My plan is to go through the major arcana which represent 22 archetypal stages on life`s journey.  The cards have a way of putting our inner world into perspective so that we can affect change in our outer world.  This in turn sparks inner change & like the wheel, around & around we go.

Please follow me

So please follow me down the rabbit hole (or should it be the stairs to the underworld???), as I begin my own journey as The Fool & step off the ledge into the unknown.

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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