Episode 007 Feeling to Healing Through Writing

Episode 007: Feeling to Healing Through Writing with Elizabeth Krause

Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Elizabeth Krause: Writing is so powerful and it can help us uncover so many things about ourselves and these different layers about us that we never even knew existed. If we can just take our thoughts and put them on paper, even no matter what it is. If it’s messy just getting something out and we can begin to uncover things about ourselves and discover and relearn things about ourselves that we may have forgotten.

[00:00:25] Elizabeth Krause: I think every woman has an important story to share that they can touch the lives of someone else and we can all make a difference in other people’s lives. And that’s, what’s going to make the world a beautiful place.

[00:00:45] Pam December: Hello. This is Pam December, and this is the Mad for Purple Podcast. Your place for all things, spirituality, self-actualization, healing, and human design. Keep listening to receive wisdom, tips and tools as we journey into higher consciousness together.

[00:01:03] Pam December: Hello everyone and welcome to another episode from Mad for Purple. Today, I’ll be talking with Elizabeth Krauss. She is a 1/3 Splenic Projector with the Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 3, the Channel of Surrender, Channel of The Alpha, and markers for being a highly sensitive person and emotional empath. Elizabeth is a writer, podcaster, creative, spiritual seeker, wellness enthusiast, soul expander, and hippie at heart. She is the founder of writetofeel.com, the Feeling to Healing Podcast, and the Write to Feel Collective, which is a safe space for women to come and heal together through the power of writing. Elisabeth’s mission is to show other women what the power of writing and sharing their voice can do for their soul and for the lives of others.

[00:01:53] Pam December: Welcome Elizabeth. So happy to have you on the show today.

[00:01:57] Elizabeth Krause: Thank you for having me here, Pam, I’m really, really excited to talk to you. I just feel like I know you. So this is going to be really fun.

[00:02:03] Pam December: It’s going to be a lot of fun and yeah I feel the same way. So, what I’d like to start off with is asking about when and maybe how your spiritual journey began.

[00:02:15] Elizabeth Krause: Well, it really started to where I can pinpoint it back in 2013 and it really started for me when I decided to leave a very toxic and abusive relationship. I was living with my mom for about a year and a half, really diving into the self development and spiritual journey. My first really spiritual book was Returned to Love by Marianne Williamson.

[00:02:39] Elizabeth Krause: And I was writing a lot. I was going to therapy. I was in another group therapy with a lot of women and it just kind of took off. I took my first yoga class. I’d never done yoga before and things kind of just unfolded from there. And it’s been quite a journey since I’ve definitely evolved within that spiritual journey even more up to now because we’re still evolving.

[00:03:01] Elizabeth Krause: We always evolve. Right. I’ve always had really beautiful conversations with my mom too. So I feel like it’s always been a part of me and always been inside of me. This truth seeking. This knowing about myself, that there’s something inside of me, that’s just burning. And it’s, you know, we go through things our teenage years in our twenties where we kind of say, quote, unquote, lose ourselves.

[00:03:22] Elizabeth Krause: But yeah, I would say right when I decided that enough was enough that why am I putting myself through something to where I’m making myself really feel unworthy? And I know I’m meant for more. And I’m not meant to live in the type of environment that I was in. I just, once I said goodbye, I never looked back and it’s been a crazy journey, but it’s, it’s beautiful. I mean, I’m married now to the most amazing man with two beautiful babies and things are totally different than when they were that long ago. So I’m just, I’m grateful for it all.

[00:03:55] Pam December: I can really relate to that piece where you just make the decision that I’m not doing this anymore. And I know I deserve better and it just is.

[00:04:04] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah, there’s a lot of things too. I, um, I’m a pretty open book with my ex partner. I ended up getting pregnant. I lost the baby at 11 weeks and that baby saved my life because I don’t know where I would’ve been. I mean, my life would look completely different. So I always hold that space for my child and thank my child for giving me the life that I have now.

[00:04:26] Elizabeth Krause: So it’s funny how something that brought of course so much heartache. And I still think about that child and what could have been with that child, but that child of mine saved my life. And it’s just, you know. So I mean, they’re looking down on me and they’re like, that’s my mom and she’s rising and she’s risen and they’d be so happy for me.

[00:04:44] Pam December: Oh, my goodness. The connection. That’s so beautiful that you have that connection with your child, even though they’re not here on earth. Feeling that. A lot of what you do like with your website has to do with writing. And you did mention that that was part of your journey was writing. So has writing like always been a part of your life or is it something that you picked up more and in 2013.

[00:05:07] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah. Well, I look back. I struggled a lot in my twenties after going on this path, you know, we think, man, I’m just, I meant for so much more. And I was done with the corporate world and I knew that I wanted to make a bigger impact and I wanted to have women come into my life and I knew I wanted to work with women.

[00:05:27] Elizabeth Krause: So that’s been a journey all in itself, but where the writing piece comes in, it like hit me like a ton of bricks. Like this is something that’s always been a part of me and I just never realized it. I’ve journaled and written my entire life since I was a kid making up stories, creating things. Um, it’s always been a place where I’ve been able to learn a lot about myself. Especially, you know, I lost my father at 15 from cancer, and I realized too, I journaled a lot throughout that time of my life.

[00:05:56] Elizabeth Krause: And even when I was in that toxic relationship I was still journaling. I was journaling my emotions and journaling my feelings. So the writing piece has always been a part of me and how Write to Feel came about it’s like writing is so powerful. And it can help us uncover so many things about ourselves and these different layers about us that we never even knew existed.

[00:06:19] Elizabeth Krause: If we can just take our thoughts and put them on paper, even no matter what it is, if it’s messy. Just getting something out and we can begin to uncover things about ourselves and discover and relearn things about ourselves that we may have forgotten. So I’m like, how can I meld this writing that I love so much and create a space for women who want to grow more on their spiritual path and learn more about themselves. And be their own best friend, but still have this support with other women and a safe container to do that. So that’s how Write to Feel came to be. I started out as a blog, um, doing things, just kind of intuitively now.

[00:07:03] Elizabeth Krause: What feels good. My podcast transitioned too, to go along with Write to Feel. And the blog no longer resonates with me. My collective really does my Write to Feel Collective resonates and just helping women use the power of writing and their voice. To help get their message out because I think every woman has an important story to share that they can touch the lives of someone else and we can all make a difference in other people’s lives. And that’s, what’s going to make the world a beautiful place. So that’s kind of how Write to Feel started. And it’s my baby. It’s my other baby. And I’ve just, I’ve loved watching it grow.

[00:07:39] Pam December: That sounds so good. And it’s a whole journey right. Of that self-reflection, learning to recognize your own value. And then how that journey in itself is a value to other people. And I think as women we’ve just been taught for so long, and I’m not saying like instructed, but conditioned I guess.

[00:07:57] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah.

[00:07:57] Pam December: So long to not necessarily value ourselves the way that we should, because our primary role has been caregiver. So really learning how to be a caregiver, not only to others, but to ourselves.

[00:08:10] Elizabeth Krause: And that’s so interesting that you say that too because I had mentioned before we started recording that my husband is traveling. And so I have two little ones and this morning it’s really cold here. I live in Indiana and I’m so busy getting my children ready and my husband making sure he’s got everything he needs and I get in the car and I’m on my way to take my daughter to Montessori school.

[00:08:30] Elizabeth Krause: And I go, I forgot my coat. And I just reflected on that for a minute. And I was like, whoa, Elizabeth. This is, just analyze this and just think about this. You put everybody before yourself and you completely forgot about your needs, keeping yourself warm. Right. Cause it’s cold. And it was just like, okay, come back to yourself.

[00:08:51] Elizabeth Krause: Remember that? You’re important too. You can do all these other. But come back to finding yourself and remember that you are just as important your needs are just as important. And don’t forget that. So that was a huge lesson for me today. I try to really become more aware of my thought process and my feelings.

[00:09:07] Elizabeth Krause: And I think that is a part of the spiritual journey too. We become automatically the more we dive into this work, we become more aware, you know. Even if it’s just recognizing things that we do or patterns that we have. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to change overnight, but it’s just coming back to that awareness. And that is something in itself

[00:09:27] Pam December: Absolutely because without awareness there can’t be changed. And what’s beautiful about doing this work, it’s like, you get to a place where you have that awareness, but you don’t make yourself wrong for having been in that place. It’s like just, okay. Yeah. I was there. I made these choices. I can make different choices next time.

[00:09:46] Elizabeth Krause: That’s what it was. It was like, how can I do this differently next time? You know, even if it’s just putting my coat next to the door. So I, and do that first thing. So it’s like, I am consciously putting myself first to make sure that I don’t forget my coat so.

[00:09:59] Pam December: So how is it with a young family and building a business? Like, how are you managing to balance those?

[00:10:05] Elizabeth Krause: It’s a challenge. I will say that it has its days. There are days that I find myself because I’m loving what I’m doing. I absolutely love it. And I find myself really trying to not separate the two so much because the business is a part of me. But knowing when to turn off the business and the doing. Even cause it’s so fun and being with my children cause they’re so young and they’re growing up so fast.

[00:10:29] Elizabeth Krause: So sometimes I catch myself and it goes back to that awareness piece, like, okay, you can do this later. You don’t need to do this now. You know, come back to this later. Maybe when they’re napping or when they’re asleep for the night and you have your time. I’m very grateful that my husband is so supportive of me and my dreams that I don’t feel like he ever makes me feel like secondary in what I’m trying to build.

[00:10:54] Elizabeth Krause: So that’s been beautiful. And I feel like I’m now, just now starting to get a really good balance with my schedule and trying to incorporate the masculine and the feminine. Having my own schedule and saying, no, this is important to me. It’s okay. And I am very. That my mother is able to watch my children for a little while, so I can get these things done because it makes me ultimately a better person.

[00:11:21] Elizabeth Krause: Cause I’m, you know, I get to connect with other women and I get to learn more about myself in the process and it’s going to make me a better mother and more conscious and aware. And it has its days. It’s very challenging trying to juggle because my husband has some businesses that he’s building too.

[00:11:36] Elizabeth Krause: So it’s just, communication too has been the key factor in our family. Like giving me the time to do this, and I’m going to give him the time to do this. So it’s been, I’m very grateful for the fact that I have a very supportive partner to be able to understand my needs as a woman and a business owner. So it’s been a beautiful process. Doesn’t mean it’s not challenging but it’s beautiful.

[00:12:00] Pam December: I was just looking at your chart. And when you’re talking about your to-do list, basically you have an undefined root and there can be a lot of pressure around getting out from underneath that to do list. And it sounds like you’re not succumbing to that. You have some boundaries around that energy.

[00:12:14] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah, it’s true. What they say. If you want to learn more about yourself and how you work start a business. Because that alone in itself on top of being, because my children were 15 months apart. My son is going to be one in February and my daughter just turned two in November. It’s all a learning experience between being a young mother, you know, with young children and a business owner.

[00:12:33] Elizabeth Krause: I’m just trying to meld the two. Also, because I also look at my daughter and I’m like, wow, if she can see what her mommy is doing and the fact that she can have both. I feel like that’s going to instill in my daughter and my son, that they can ultimately do what they love to do no matter what that looks like and have a family.

[00:12:53] Elizabeth Krause: And it’s just, they’re going to see me being able to balance it and how I do it. And that’s going to carry over to them because I’m basically going to be leading by example. Right. Because that’s kind of just how it works and family dynamics.

[00:13:07] Pam December: Exactly and our generation didn’t necessarily have that example to live by or to compare against. And so, yeah, we’re learning how to do this our way.

[00:13:18] Elizabeth Krause: It’s interesting. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

[00:13:21] Pam December: Same, same. I totally feel that. And yeah, on top of all of this, like you’re a Projector. You’re a non-sacral being. How do you, do you get naps in when you can, like, do you have a good sleep routine? Like how do you take care of your body?

[00:13:36] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah. I know before that, we kind of talked a little bit about Human Design and that I was a Projector and I’m still learning what that truly means. And I honestly, I love to sleep. It doesn’t really happen a whole lot right now. And I try to get naps in where I can. Especially on top of everything else, like growing a business, I’ve found out not too long ago that I have a form of epilepsy.

[00:14:01] Elizabeth Krause: So sleep has really been a challenge that I’m trying to balance. I’m trying to really go back to putting my health first. So really listening and tuning into my body with what it needs when it needs to rest, when it needs. And just like, listen to these little pings that I need. Like yesterday, for example, I was like, you need to make some soup, you need some warmth.

[00:14:23] Elizabeth Krause: So I just made some soup yesterday and I’m really, really trying to just get quiet and listen to what it is that Elizabeth needs, because we are all different. We all need different things, depending upon where we are on our journey and where we are in our lives. My life looked so different six years ago. And it’s not that it’s better or worse it’s just different.

[00:14:46] Elizabeth Krause: And so I feel like you know even five years from now, my kids are going to be at a different stage and life’s going to look different for me then, and maybe I’ll need different things at that time. So it’s really coming back to that present moment. And being a Projector I know all the things about waiting for the invitation too, so I’ve really tried to infuse that with my being as a whole and not just business related. But I have found that if I’m really in tune with what I need to balance, and if I’m off, like, okay, what is it that I need? Like, we think it’s so silly because we ask everybody else. Right. You know, especially as women, what do you need? What do you need? What can I do for you? How can I help you?

[00:15:24] Elizabeth Krause: It’s so easy to do that, especially, you know, making sure everything’s okay. That’s how I was this morning. What do you need, honey? What, what can I get for you? You have this, this, this your contact solution. All these things. Oh, I got to get the kids. Elizabeth, what do you need right now in this moment? So, and that’s a learning process too. That’s a, that’s a process of coming back to worthiness and I have a right to get my needs met also.

[00:15:45] Pam December: Yeah. That’s huge. And knowing to take that space to really come into center, check in with your own authority and making decision from that place. That’s awesome.

[00:15:57] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah. So I’m still learning about my Projector Human Design type. Because what I’ve learned about it is really fascinating. Human Design is super, super fascinating, and I think it’s something that’s very, very helpful. Parts that I have learned have been very helpful for me. So this is making me want to just dive deeper into that too.

[00:16:16] Pam December: I love that. I try and get everybody to do that in some way, shape or form, because it’s just been so life changing for me as well. And that’s the thing with Human Design. Like it’s so deep, but it’s so layered. It’s very much like we end up with the information that we need at the time we take time with it, we integrate it and then new information will present itself. And it’s just, this it’s the same with the spiritual journey right?

[00:16:37] Pam December: And self-development is just this continual spiral of things. So along the lines of your Human Design, you have an undefined emotion solar plexus, which leads to being an emotional empath. So I find it really fascinating that your podcast Feeling to Healing and then you’re doing Write to Feel as well. I just find that fascinating that like, this is in your chart being an emotional empath, and you’re using that as a gift for others.

[00:17:04] Elizabeth Krause: I didn’t even know that that’s, you said it was an undefined,

[00:17:08] Pam December: emotional solar plexus.

[00:17:09] Elizabeth Krause: And that’s what emotional empath. That I can’t, I’m like shaking my head. Yes. I feel things so deeply. I feel like I’m just now coming into that, especially the last half of 2021. It’s so weird to say that, but coming into this year, I’m really now feeling like I’m grounded and knowing like yes, I am an emotional empath and I am okay with that.

[00:17:30] Elizabeth Krause: And I’m going to use that to be a light for others instead of let it drain me and still learn my boundaries because we all have our limits. Right. And it’s just up to us to really understand that. So I can wholeheartedly shake my head. Yes to the empath, because sometimes it’s just, I find myself the older I get to, and the more that I’m just learning more about myself, it’s like, I can’t do certain things that I used to do anymore.

[00:17:56] Elizabeth Krause: Like crowds of people, even family functions. I’m like, that was a lot. I love to be by myself. I love to find the time to be by myself. I just, I need it to recalibrate. I have to have it, or it’s just I’m not a happy person.

[00:18:10] Pam December: Yes. And you’re not alone in that. Yeah. And I think you become more sensitive in a lot of ways, but it allows us to create better boundaries.

[00:18:18] Elizabeth Krause: A hundred percent agree. And I feel like really boundaries is a huge thing. I feel like I’m ready to learn more about myself when it comes to boundaries. End of the year, especially when the sensitivity was, you know, coming up more for me, I’m like, okay, I need to have these boundaries come along with that. Because if I don’t, it’s going to just be a huge mess.

[00:18:40] Pam December: That’s just it cause any of us that are open, undefined in those, especially emotional solar plexus, like we’ve all been at some point in our lives, taking on other people’s emotions, thinking that they’re ours and being completely overwhelmed by them.

[00:18:53] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah. And that’s the thing. I have so many ideas and visions for Write to Feel and what I want to bring into this community. And just, I see this space for women to just come together and bringing in those boundaries, I think is really important because I don’t want to get burned out on any of this. And throw it away because I feel like there’s so much there that can be so helpful for so many women that I need to make sure that I’m taking care of myself on certain levels so I can continue to be that space holder for other women. So then they can be that space holder for others. So it’s just a continual thing.

[00:19:33] Pam December: Love that. Yeah. It’s so important to, to do that for ourselves, not only for ourselves, but it sets an example for our children and our communities and the more people that get on board with this kind of living the better.

[00:19:48] Elizabeth Krause: Absolutely. Oh, it’s needed now more than ever.

[00:19:54] Pam December: So in your community, is there a process that you lead women through specifically?

[00:20:00] Elizabeth Krause: Basically it’s evolving. I feel like it’s going to grow with me. It’s still relatively new and so the right women will come in and they’re going to be the founding members. So they’re ultimately helping me build this.

[00:20:11] Elizabeth Krause: How it’s been structured as of right now, it’s more of there’s like sections and categories for women can just come in there, have a safe space. If they’re wanting assistance with something, if they have questions, if they want to work through something, they have this place to come in and just write. If they feel they’re bursting and they don’t know what to do.

[00:20:31] Elizabeth Krause: And writing is something that is so meaningful to them, but they want to share it and have someone who honors the writing process and sees it as sacred also, they can just come in there and kind of brain dump, you know. And just talk to the group, the Collective as if, you know, they’re having a cup of coffee, you know, or I’ve written poetry in there.

[00:20:52] Elizabeth Krause: I have things that come through. I do a lot of channeled writing. I have a lot of things that come through. I actually, right now I have bi-weekly wine and write nights, have one tonight it’s an hour long. And the women in the collective show up and it’s really intuitively guided. And we journal. Last time we journaled to a playlist and we shared, and it was a very healing experience.

[00:21:17] Elizabeth Krause: A woman that was in there, she was just having a really, really rough day. And she just wrote, and she’s like, typically I would have to solve something. Cause I’m a very type A personality, but this was helpful. Just getting it out on paper. So we have those times where we come together and there’s other ideas that I have too.

[00:21:36] Elizabeth Krause: This is in the real baby stages. And I see this being something so beautiful. And my goal is for women to just be able to know that they have this safe, sacred space to share and to connect with other women and just write what’s on their heart without any judgment. No matter if they’re just having a bad day, if it’s like, I don’t want to be a mother today, I’m struggling.

[00:22:01] Elizabeth Krause: I don’t know why I want to have children. You know, sometimes we’re human. We have those thoughts. Right. I’m sure I’m not the only woman out there that has had that thought. So this is a space to do that. That’s just an example. I want that to be a place where women can just let go and just know that they are being seen and heard and just taken care of. So yeah, it’s the Write to Feel Collective.

[00:22:24] Pam December: Well, that sounds amazing. There’s such power in women coming together and just honoring and witnessing each other holding space. It’s so healing. I, myself, I’m part of an online temple and that’s each month we go through different archetype and the majority of it is women sharing and witnessing each other through their process. So I love that. Yeah, you’ve created the sacred space and do it through writing.

[00:22:49] Elizabeth Krause: Thank you. It’s, yeah it just download it to me one day. It’s like, take something that you love and do something with that. Something that comes, it’s funny, things that are like right in front of us, things that we do in our everyday that we love with no thought that comes so easy to us.

[00:23:05] Elizabeth Krause: And we just get lost in. We think that everybody loves to do it, or it comes easy to everybody else. So why would we even want to attempt something like that? And it just it’s easy. Things should be easy. And that’s also another reason why. I’m also, I have a part of the Write to Feel brand that is not only helping women express through writing and getting their words out online or on paper, but through sharing their voice through speaking.

[00:23:33] Elizabeth Krause: And I have loved creating my own podcast and I have found that all the techie stuff has been very cathartic for me and beautiful because I have a musical background. And so being able to do all of the editing for myself personally, I would get lost in. And I know there’s so many women that it overwhelms them, or it’s not something they enjoy and it comes so easily for me.

[00:23:57] Elizabeth Krause: And so when I let go and kind of surrender to that, I’m working with women now who have a message to say. And they want to share it and I’m helping them with that too. So Write to Feel has kind of birthed into helping women get their voices, heard through the power of writing and speaking. And it’s just, it’s so beautiful how we can have an idea and then it just evolves into something else and it just, it fits and it feels so good

[00:24:23] Pam December: It gets to be easy.

[00:24:26] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah, let it be easy. Yes.

[00:24:29] Pam December: We take our own gifts for granted. Totally. Like what you’re saying, because it comes easy we don’t necessarily see the value in that. But there is. And yeah, this week has been a big lesson for me around it can be easy. And allowing it to be easy and not fighting it. There’s part of me, that’s like, no, I still need to do all of these things. And it’s like, no, it gets to be easy.

[00:24:51] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah. Yeah. Why we just, and that goes back to what we were talking about just this conditioning. This conditioning that, and I still struggle with it, if we are not doing A B C D E F G, all on our list that it’s like, we’re not worthy enough, or we’re not doing a good enough job or we’re not getting anything done and it’s, it’s so not the case at all.

[00:25:11] Elizabeth Krause: It’s been incredible what has happened in my life personally, when I have let go of that, and I’ve just increased my energetic frequency and things have so effortlessly unfolded. This surrendering and I really have stepped into what that surrender truly means. And it, for me right now, it just means ease and openness and allowing and just flowing.

[00:25:37] Elizabeth Krause: So it’s been this whole journey has been incredible. Even the lows, the lows have taught me things about myself too. That’s one of the things too, when we first start out on our, like when we’re first, like ready to do the work, we’re like, okay, I’m ready. We don’t quite yet see when we’re first starting out that the hardships that we face are there to teach us lessons and to help us go deeper and learn more about ourselves.

[00:26:03] Elizabeth Krause: And then we get to this place where we, you know, all the uncovering and the peeling back of the layers we can see wow, that happened, which led me to that, which led me to this. And that’s why I’m here. And that’s why I met this person.

[00:26:17] Elizabeth Krause: And it’s all so beautiful. So the next time we have that realization and the next time we go through something that is difficult, it’s like, okay, bring it on. What am I going to learn about myself now? Let’s find this out. I’m ready to grow some more. Let’s go so. It’s fun. The spiritual journey can be so much fun.

[00:26:34] Elizabeth Krause: And sometimes I think we just think it’s just this deep dark process that we have to go through to get out to the other side. And I think it’s just a mixture of course, of the yin and the yang, but it’s just, it’s fun to learn about yourself. Because that ultimately, like you said, it’s going to make us stronger women and we’re just going to be more conscious women, more conscious parents. All the things. Spouses. All the things.

[00:26:58] Pam December: That’s exactly it. And that’s going to spill out into businesses, corporations, government, maybe like in the grander scheme of things. This is world changing. Is it going to happen tomorrow? No, but we’re definitely on that path.

[00:27:13] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah. And maybe it’s not going to happen in my generation either, but at least my children will be able to have that example. And the more people, women, especially that can step up and say, yes, I’m powerful. Yes. I have a voice. Yes. I matter. Our children are going to see that and it’s just going to ripple out. And then maybe it’s not in my children’s generation either, but it could be in the next one. It could be in their children’s, you know, it’s little by little it’s those baby steps that are going to lead us to just changing everything. But it starts with us.

[00:27:42] Pam December: Yes, it starts with us. It starts with you. It starts with me. I love that. Was there anything that we haven’t touched on that you’re excited to talk about right now?

[00:27:51] Elizabeth Krause: I just think that this is a beautiful time to be alive, even though there so much hardship going on in the world. I feel like the world as a whole is moving into a different energetic frequency, and I’ve just seen it through conversation and just witnessed it through people’s interactions.

[00:28:14] Elizabeth Krause: It’s a, it’s a hard time on the physical sense, but it’s just a beautiful time to be alive. I was talking to a friend today about that, and I’m grateful to be here now, even with all this stuff that’s happening, I’m grateful to be here because I feel like the more we can do that uncovering that self-development work.

[00:28:33] Elizabeth Krause: It’s just gonna, like we said, expand out into the world and the world’s is going to shift more and we’re going to become more conscious. We’re going to become more aware of how it starts with me. It starts with you. It starts with us. That’s going to literally impact the world. And I never used to think how, how can one person? How can one person make a difference? But oh we can, we can. Totally.

[00:28:58] Pam December: Yeah. And that’s the thing with healing. Healing, anything within ourselves actually heals our families going forwards and backwards. I’ve witnessed it in my own journey of just how much me being more me and yeah healing of those traumas and things like that. Just how much I’ve seen my other family members come into their own paths and yeah. It’s like opening a door for other people.

[00:29:22] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah absolutely. I’m just so grateful. I’m grateful for it all.

[00:29:25] Pam December: I would agree. It’s a beautiful, wonderful time through all the challenges and the heartache. And I know there’s been a lot of tragedy in the last couple of years. And I don’t want to lessen anybody’s experience. If that’s where you’re at, then I feel for you. Honor that’s where you’re at and hope that that we can all come into a place where we can be grateful and feel blessed to be where we’re at during these times.

[00:29:49] Elizabeth Krause: Absolutely.

[00:29:49] Pam December: So if listeners would like to come find you. Where are you on the interwebs?

[00:29:54] Elizabeth Krause: I like to hang out on Instagram mostly. They can find me at, I am Elizabeth Kraus, K R A U S E. And my website is writetofeel.com that’s W R I T E to feel.com. There’s a link to go to my Collective if anyone is interested in finding out more about that and being one of the founding members that is collective.writetofeel.com and then I have my podcast, which I would love to have you also be a guest on Pam, I think it would just be wonderful.

[00:30:26] Elizabeth Krause: It’s Feeling to Healing. It’s on Apple Podcasts and, uh, Spotify and the major platforms. I have a freebie that I was wanting to give anybody who wanted this meditation to just bring themselves back to a space of creativity and this openness. I actually channeled this meditation and you can go to my Instagram bio. It’s about a 10 minute meditation. It’s beautiful. It’s absolutely beautiful.

[00:30:55] Pam December: Awesome. I’ll make sure and have all the links in the show notes so listeners can find them easily and yeah. So thank you so much for being here. This was such a great conversation. I’m so glad to have finally met you face-to-face

[00:31:08] Elizabeth Krause: Yeah me too Pam. Thank you so much. It’s been an honour.

[00:31:13] Pam December: What another delightful episode in the books. Oh, that was such a great conversation. Thank you so much for listening to this week’s show. If you’d like to connect with Elizabeth, all of her information will be in the episode description, or you can head to my website, madforpurple.com to access the show notes.

[00:31:32] Pam December: Some takeaways from the episode. One, remember that you are important and your needs are important. Two, communication is important to having our needs met within any relationship structure. Three, sometimes our inner voice is really quiet so tune in and listen as often as possible. Four, writing and journaling are excellent gateways for processing emotional energy. And five, you are worthy, whether you feel you’ve been productive or not.

[00:32:00] Pam December: If you are enjoying listening to the podcast, as much as I am in creating it and you’d like to support me and the show, please share this episode or head over to Apple and leave a review.

[00:32:11] Pam December: Speaking of reviews, JamieRiene says fascinating. Excited to listen and learn these nuggets that are truly fascinating. Thanks Pam, for bringing this to us. And from JennyLou134 they say gentle soul and full of wisdom. Pam has such a gentle heart and is a wealth of knowledge. In the short time I’ve known her she’s taught me so much about myself and opened a huge door for my personal and spiritual growth.

[00:32:39] Pam December: She really has changed my life by helping me become more aligned with my authentic self and how to honor it. I understand and accept all parts of myself much more and live with more peace, ease and optimism. I’m a fan and follower of everything Mad for Purple. And I’m so happy there’s a podcast now where I can get even more of Pam’s wisdom, clarity, and validation on my road to self-actualization. The world needs more of this. Goodness. Thank you Pam.

[00:33:07] Pam December: Thank you Jamie and Jenny for your support it means so much. And just reading your kind words, you’re going to make me cry. So thank you so much. If you’d like to continue this conversation around Write to Feel head to the Mad for Purple Podcast group over on Facebook or message me on Instagram.

[00:33:25] Pam December: I will be hosting a four day series on Human Design this month and you can find all the details in the Facebook group as well, or by joining my newsletter. So links for that will all be in the description. Before you leave don’t forget to hit that subscribe or follow button on your podcast listening app so that you don’t miss an episode. New episodes come out each Thursday so be sure to tune in, thank you so much for listening and I will see you then.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Remember that you are important and your needs are important
  2. Communication is important to having our needs met within any relationship structure
  3. Sometimes our inner voice is really quiet so tune in and listen as often as possible
  4. Writing and journaling are excellent gateways for processing emotional energy
  5. You are worthy, whether you feel you’ve been productive or not

To Connect with Elizabeth:

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Hi, I'm Pam!

I teach people like you how to live their energetic blueprint + decondition their Human Design.  I live in Northern BC with my kiddo & doggo.  You won’t find me without my morning tea and my laptop.

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